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April and May Central Texas Fishing Recap


Fishing in April and May was excellent we had great white bass, hybrid striped bass and largemouth fishing. Almost all trips took place on Lake Buchanan and with the low lake levels it made fishing even easier. Instead of the white bass making their annual run up the river they spawned in the main lake and up shallow. We had a pattern going for almost a month finding working birds marking these huge schools of fish. Find the birds and start catching fish. Sometimes we were fishing in 1-3ft of water. In between catching white bass there was some great fishing on hybrid stripers out in deeper water 30-45ft. Along with shallow water largemouth that we fished in between catching all the other species. The shad spawn took place a little bit later this year compared to last year but it started strong and is still taking place in different parts of the lake which has made it very easy to catch bait which has been essential for our fishing. Theres nothing like live shad for bait. The bigger hybrids and stripers started biting well towards the end of may and will continue strong into June. Here is some pictures of some of the great trips we had in April and May.



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